Robin’s Story
I was always a natural athlete but spent most of high school plagued by injury. All sports came to a screeching halt near the end of high school when recurring injuries became chronic and unmanageable. In my journey to healing myself, physically and emotionally, my chiropractor pointed me towards yoga. As a mom of multi-sport athletes, and a former elite athlete that understands the repercussions of persistent and untreated injuries, I saw the need for injury prevention and knew yoga was missing something. I went looking for the perfect program and discovered JOGA. It gave me not only the physical practice of yoga that I love, but it also began to rehab decades of injuries. How are you getting to the next level? And will you be healthy when you get there? JOGA is a tool that can be used by any athlete to harness the power of their breath, teach the body to move with more power, and also give room for rest and recovery.
I’d be honored to be a part of your journey to excellence.